Image from by Irene Payne
“Snakes in my dreams”
Dreams are full of metaphors and symbols we often don’t understand. We can theorize, we can look up the many different interpretations online or say “well, I saw that yesterday so that must be why I dreamt it.” Dream images are layered with conscious and subconscious associations and experiences we personally and collectively have. They are also full of mysticism and mystery. Snakes, are definitely one of them.
My dear friend Jennifer lost both her parents last year. This year has been one of the toughest times of her life. She was very close to her mother. She is looking at her life differently now because of this. I believe her perception is changing. She had and is continuing to have snakes in her dreams. A boa constrictor, loose in the house. One playing tricks on her – she knew in the dream she was seeing the snake again and thought “I should’ve known you were here!” This snake keeps coming and going. Another, she was able to escape from in a field.
Sometimes dreams are hard to figure out and they take time to work with and integrate the energy of a symbol or an archetype. We have to ask questions. We have to let the dreams speak to us, explore them, honor them. I discussed a couple of these dreams with Jennifer. I had all my knowledge of snake symbolism and its transformative power ready to go. I’ve had plenty of snake dreams and worked many times with Ted Andrew’s Animal Speak.
So I know the snake is about death/rebirth, the shedding of skin and its mystical nature because while in this state its eyes cloud over and it is said to have the power to live between worlds. The snake has perception, wisdom, transformative and healing powers. Dreaming of a snake may be an initiation - an awakening of your life force. This could be creativity, sexuality – all energies found within Kundalini, subtle energy that is within each one of us. In yogic culture, kundalini is symbolized as the snake coiled up at the bottom of our spines, until it is aroused, then we quickly begin to experience its power unleashed in us.
So we talk about health, jobs and wealth (inner/outer). But the power of the snake was not resonating solely on any one of these topics. We discuss forgiveness, and we remember her “mama”. We feel her mother at the core of our conversation the entire time. But we were missing something, just as she felt she didn’t know in the dream but then she knew! It had to be something that goes in and out, the wisdom is there but not acknowledged all the time.
Then I remember “…look into the hearts and souls of others…look more closely into your own heart and soul.” (Andrews, p363). I ask her “what are you most afraid of?”
“Not being loved,” she says.
Her mama would love her no matter what and now that she is gone, how could she be sure she would ever be loved again?
The dream is talking about everything we discussed, but in order for the shift…she has to love herself as a mother would – her own mother within.
We all have blocks around loving oneself. If not, then you have worked on it for a long time and that is amazing! I’m sure you are sharing this love with the world and that is very important. In this dream, the snake may be here to help transform these blocks within Jennifer. This dream being shared, is a reminder to me of one of the most important aspects of understanding your dreams, which is to develop a relationship to your inner self, which is here to guide you to loving yourself more - to live wholly through the integration of all the aspects of yourself – the dark/light, good/bad, masculine/feminine, etc.
So when you think you know what a dream is about…keep digging…keep asking questions. When you touch on what your soul is trying to get you to hear – you will know. Your world as you experience it may come crashing down, but trust its for a change in perspective for building it back up again.
This dream guidance would not be here without Jennifer’s recurring dreams of snakes and her fearlessness to share. Our stories and dreams are vulnerable and collectively powerful. I am grateful for you and your dreams Jen. I hope more of you will be willing to share yours, for they hold wisdom and transformative healing abilities for all of us.
NOTE: Posts may only include part/s of the dream.
*italicized text = interpretation and/or what resonates for the dreamer