Angela Grillo Coaching

Sacred Coaching Through Dreams & Creativity

intuitive coach

What's Living In You?

Angela Grillo

What’s your story? What brought you here? Where are you in the evolution of your life?

Can you see where you’re headed or are you riding the mystical path of the unknown?

What’s living in you?

How does it feel to be in this moment, creating all you’re creating? Are you in flow or treading water? Do you feel in alignment with your soul?


What moves you? What matters most, to your heart? What does your heart want to feel? Are you embodying all the parts of you?

These are all big questions and I wouldn’t ask you them until I’ve asked myself. They’re in rotation whenever I’m going through a transition and re-discovering who I am becoming. These are also some of the first questions I ask clients when we begin working together.

Assessing where you have come from, what brought you to this moment, and where you are headed are all part of your personal journey - your story. Asking yourself, “What is my purpose in life? What do I value most? Do I have a mission? What’s my intention?”

Your answers give clues to your authentic self and what is important to you. The way you feel in your body when you say them will give you even deeper insights to what is real, meaningful, or missing.

The next step is to ask yourself, “How does it feel in my body to be headed in this direction? Is this the right path for me? Do I feel grounded in my truth? Am I expressing my truth? How does it feel to live in what truly matters to me?”

More questions which will support you in embodying all of who you are.I’ve been working with clients in a new way recently, it’s unexpected and flowing in, and damn, it feels good when I’m doing it. I call it Soul Content Creation, which focuses on your offering, business, social media and web presence. We start with these big questions, in life and in business. It’s just another layer to the individual, deeply personal / spiritual work (including dreams) I already do with you. Because that’s what matters most - You and your unique voice and story, your wisdom, vision, gifts, blessings - what you’re here to share.

So, what’s living in you?

Feeling Through Letting Receive Anew

collective consciousness, Counsel, mediationAngela Grillo

In the spirit of giving, in order to receive something new, expansive & healing for yourself and the collective…

What is one thing (it may be a big thing!) you can let go of in order to receive anew? How do you let go with intention and make a conscious shift to embody a truer version of yourself?

As you’ve probably heard:

Weeds need to be cut in order for flowers to bloom. 

Your old story no longer aligns with your beliefs/truth.

Your gut instincts “it’s time to let go and move in a different direction.”


How do you let go with intention, consciously making an important shift within? 

Sometimes I sit in easy pose, close my eyes and massage my feet. I connect with the visceral energy through what I stand upon, value, honor, and what I am devoted to. I wait to feel/hear the message of my heart-mind.


  1. Begin with gratitude & acceptance of what is, what you have, where you are presently.

  2. Ask yourself, how do I want to feel on a regular basis in my body/mind/spirit?

  3. What no longer aligns with feeling this way? (You probably already know what it is, as it would have shown up in relationship to yourself/others this past year.)

  4. Feel into the subtleties - this may come through a physical sensation and not an emotion. How does this feel different to an old way of thinking or relating to yourself?

  5. Now thank your old joys and haunts for keeping you feeling safe and supported. Thank yourself for the growth & security it offered you.

  6. Let it go with the intention of allowing something new which aligns with your purpose & value - that which will bring you more joy for who you are now becoming.

  7. Feel into this space of expansion on the horizon, one full of gratitude & abundance.

*It’s not about what it looks like - that you will not know.

The most important thing is stepping into how you want to feel. The more you do this, you will embody your truth, authenticity and all of who you are.


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