Angela Grillo Coaching

Sacred Coaching Through Dreams & Creativity


You're ready to be seen.

CounselAngela Grillo
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Hi Dear Ones,

It has been another tough month, but we’re still here. Today, I feel hopeful. Although, I am listening to the voices of the collective and dreaming images from our collective unconscious. Our hearts are tender. I sense hiding/pushing away any vulnerabilities. This is reflected in the anger, resentment, frustration, rage even, from feeling unheard, unprotected, and helpless. There is anxiety and fear of what the future will hold.

How can an individual hold this alone? You can’t.

There is still so much work to do. There is healing and growth that is needed within ourselves and within our communities. Between the joys or grievances - we are now in a space of “what to do next?” or “the fight is not over”. I believe, the “Other” needs to be heard. There is a divide amongst us. In order to bridge our differences, as in any relationship, we have to work on ourselves first.

How can I hear someone else, if I cannot hear/see my own voices/ego/shadow?

What can I do to listen more and relate to the Other? (I ask this in relation to my inner self as well as external relationships.)

What could be preventing me from hearing the Other and compassionately seeing them?

How can I show up in order to listen more fully, wholeheartedly?

Despite our fears - the action is simple. We embrace what is, through Embodied Presence. This is where you begin - through feeling. First, feel into what the body is holding, move beyond thinking. Slow everything down in order to become aware of the layers upon layers that are may be blocking the deepest, most valuable feelings within. It’s a shedding process. Simple, devoted actions become daily, sacred rituals. This will create long lasting change/transformation.

I offer you a skillset that will last a lifetime.

There are many ways in which you can work with me or begin your journey of self-discovery, change, healing or growth:

I offer individual sessions in Intuitive Growth Coaching.

I facilitate Dream Coaching with groups & communities.

Find me on PATREON, for continued insights, meditations & monthly sessions.

If you prefer to learn solo: TRANSFORM FEAR: Learn to Identify Blocks & Break Through Them

This online course is offered at a discounted rate for the rest of 2020. *Through this guided course, you will be able to embrace any fear/block. Your relationship to yourself, your body/feelings, to others will shift. You will build strength and resilience around life’s transitions and challenges. You will expand your capacity to hold discomfort, and be able to show up with ease and grace.

Blessings to You & Your Loved Ones,


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The Inner Growth Blueprint

CounselAngela Grillo
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So what exactly is the Inner Growth Blueprint ?

The Inner Growth Blueprint is the path to reclaiming your intuition and developing a sacred way of living, bringing you back into your power, wholeness and well-being.  By listening within and honoring your truth, you can sense into what no one else can, making conscious decisions with more clarity, ease and grace, creating a healthy environment for your continuous growth and success.

The Inner Growth Blueprint inspires inner growth through the support of sacred counsel.  As your intuitive support coach, I inspire you to step into the unknown, feel into what you’re facing and guide you to the best plan of action for the situation.  Making choices whether grand or small, we have to make them. 

Inner growth is choosing direction in life, it is (re)defining yourself, your identity, your sense of purpose and it is making challenging decisions.  We have to navigate, negotiate, collaborate, communicate, constantly.  Potentially profound growth can come during the darkest of times.  These are all times when we need to show up and stand in our power of inner knowing, our intuition and instincts.

My experiences have taught me that we can replenish the spirit and restore the feminine but only with the support of our allies.  The Inner Growth Blueprint developed organically through my own search for clarity and spiritual growth and continued to develop as I worked with others struggling through similar circumstances.  This transformative journey began in 2008, when I discovered the power of my dreams and creativity.  I looked to my collaborators and elders, connecting with members of my tribe who took the time to reflect and share in these inner growth processes.  Finding your support team is necessary for times of change, healing and growth.  Your cosmic army will be there when you are ready.

The majority of my life was spent overcoming the chaos and trauma of my childhood, leaving me searching for meaning and traversing radical transitions while healing endless heartaches from loss and break-ups, emotional imbalances, lack of energy, depression, fear and anxiety.  In breaking through unconscious beliefs that I could never be successful or loved by someone good, I cleared obstructions that prevented me from loving myself and others.  I learned how to set boundaries in order to safely express myself and I have grown to believe in my worth and know that my vision and inspiration is valuable. 

Through my years as an artist, creative collaborator, yogi, dream reader and really good friend, my holistic approach to living became all the things which supported me: dialogue & communication, movement & embodiment, yoga & meditation, prayer and ritual, honoring nature, creativity, dream reading, interpreting signs & symbols and sharing resources.  

The intuitive support coaching I offer as part of your counsel is in developing your Blueprint and working with the tools to support you in becoming grounded in your body and daily life, balanced in your emotions, build strength and confidence, navigate transitions, overcome fears, break through unconscious beliefs, hold space to grieve loss, and the action steps to build a foundation within of gratitude, love, joy, and wholeness. 



Sessions are 60 minutes. We start there.

You can schedule by clicking below or reach out to me and we can book by phone or private message.

I look forward to hearing your voice.

To schedule a free 15 minute consultation, click to email me!