Angela Grillo Coaching

Sacred Coaching Through Dreams & Creativity


Is it a Visitation or a Sign & Does It Even Matter?!

dreamsAngela Grillo

Is it a visitation, an omen, a sign or a synchronicity, and does it even matter?!

A few nights ago, after the full moon, my friend and I were blessed by the presence of a Luna Moth. She indeed looked like a fairie as she flew. At first, we had no idea what she was. I said “Please stop so we can see you,” and she did. Then she sat above us the rest of the night as we continued our conversation around personal growth and future visions / ideas.

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The next morning I awoke feeling a sense of joy and renewal. I couldn’t stop smiling and feeling love in my heart. I felt as if I had won the lottery! How lucky was I to have seen such a sight, to experience this divine interaction.

I believe the Luna Moth is truly an essence / expression / reflection of my personal transformation. Her arrival at that precise moment of our conversation felt like a visitation of something divine, mystical, magical. I never saw a fairie before ;-) It also felt like a sign of acknowledgement and recognition of the deepening of my soul direction around my business and creative career choices. I knew in that moment, my ideas were good ones. I’m on the divine path to my soul power, gifts, magic.

I’m sharing this delightful story because, well, my experience is too beautiful not to share. And the understanding of it can be discerned. What I don’t want to do is influence you or your beliefs around what may or may not be a sign / symbol / visitation to you.

As a Dream Reader, a best, I am here to inspire you. To support you in following your path, your dreams and inner wisdom. Not mine. I will be here to remind you that everything you need to know is already within you. Listening to your guidance will lead you to your magic.

So does it matter if it’s a visitation or a sign? To me, absolutely. To you…only you can answer that.