Angela Grillo Coaching

Sacred Coaching Through Dreams & Creativity

dream expert

What's Living In You?

Angela Grillo

What’s your story? What brought you here? Where are you in the evolution of your life?

Can you see where you’re headed or are you riding the mystical path of the unknown?

What’s living in you?

How does it feel to be in this moment, creating all you’re creating? Are you in flow or treading water? Do you feel in alignment with your soul?


What moves you? What matters most, to your heart? What does your heart want to feel? Are you embodying all the parts of you?

These are all big questions and I wouldn’t ask you them until I’ve asked myself. They’re in rotation whenever I’m going through a transition and re-discovering who I am becoming. These are also some of the first questions I ask clients when we begin working together.

Assessing where you have come from, what brought you to this moment, and where you are headed are all part of your personal journey - your story. Asking yourself, “What is my purpose in life? What do I value most? Do I have a mission? What’s my intention?”

Your answers give clues to your authentic self and what is important to you. The way you feel in your body when you say them will give you even deeper insights to what is real, meaningful, or missing.

The next step is to ask yourself, “How does it feel in my body to be headed in this direction? Is this the right path for me? Do I feel grounded in my truth? Am I expressing my truth? How does it feel to live in what truly matters to me?”

More questions which will support you in embodying all of who you are.I’ve been working with clients in a new way recently, it’s unexpected and flowing in, and damn, it feels good when I’m doing it. I call it Soul Content Creation, which focuses on your offering, business, social media and web presence. We start with these big questions, in life and in business. It’s just another layer to the individual, deeply personal / spiritual work (including dreams) I already do with you. Because that’s what matters most - You and your unique voice and story, your wisdom, vision, gifts, blessings - what you’re here to share.

So, what’s living in you?

Shadow Work is Harrrd! How Can Rewilding Dreams Help?

Angela GrilloComment
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Hello Shadow

This is my parents’ new puppy. While I was home visiting, she was a gentle guide in remembering to embody my true nature.

If only shadow work were as sweet as her…

And why can’t it be? For those of us who have experienced working with the shadow either through dreams, therapy and/or other forms of healing modalities - we know there can be struggles as we break free from old beliefs, deep programming, negative voices, to name a few. There are also times when it’s challenging to honor, embrace and integrate another side of the shadow, which I call our GOLD shadow aspects.

The NEGATIVE shadow will try to keep us boxed in, caged in a mold that only fits into the over-culture and societal norms.

How does this show up? You may notice parts of yourself feeling unworthy of your gifts, patterns of patriarchal thinking, and conscious/unconscious behaviors that lead to numbing out, addictions or depression.

You can bet your shadow will show up when you’re on the precipice of a breakthrough, transition, spiritual awakening or alignment, letting go, stepping into a new phase of life or creative path. Sometimes it shows up to protect you, support you, or keep you small, which manifests in struggles with the unacceptable part of one’s nature.

What are the “unacceptable” parts of one’s nature? This depends on what qualities / traits / behaviors were valued, accepted, nourished, or unaccepted and disregarded in your home, community, culture, and society. There is an inability to see, feel and know your truth.

For example:

*If you never knew how to create boundaries in relationships before, and you begin to set them with others - this potentially would show up as a shadow aspect - making you feel as if you are wrong in your intentions to create healthy boundaries.

*If your gifts and talents were never recognized and nurtured, it may be hard to believe you are worthy of a life utilizing those gifts.

*If you grew up being told you are poor, you may have feelings of lack.

All of these examples can manifest in different ways of intense spiraling; anxiety, depression, self-sabotage, guilt, longing, etc.

How can our dreams help? Our dreams can support and show us how to rewild to our true nature, where the soul lies and lives. The shadow tries to keep the parts of ourselves which are “unacceptable” from becoming embodied, from living through you.

When we embrace our shadow aspects and integrate them into our daily practices, rituals and share these gifts/qualities with others - this is when we begin to feel whole, nourished, cared for, seen as we truly are. With ALL PARTS INCLUDED.

What is Rewilding? Rewilding means to RESTORE to its natural uncultivated state or original habitat. For us humans, I see it as returning to embody one’s true nature.

How do I embody my true nature? Allow yourself to thrive through blessings and love, care and listening. Clarissa Pinkola-Estés, author of Women Who Run With the Wolves, said healers from her culture, would first ask and listen to what the individual’s soul needed. One way to listen is through your dreams. Honor your gifts and blessings. Remember who you are, who you are here to be. Communicate within -- Ask your Soul what it needs.

You’ve heard of soul purpose right? The soul comes alive through the creative things you love to do. This is what makes you unique to who you are. Your soul purpose is found in allowing yourself the time, space and energy to live honoring all the parts of yourself.

Types of dreams showing signs to suggest and/or support rewilding :

  • Animal Dreams or Unknown Creatures - they may come fierce, larger than usual and many of them

  • Nature Dreams - being with the land, plants, new territories

  • Running/Hiding from Predators (this usually shows up as authority figures, dark, male)

  • Tower Dreams such as natural disasters, dismemberment, death

  • Losing Identity & Searching for a New One, ie. clothes, shoes, personal belongings, items with meaning

  • Baby & Child Dreams - pregnancy, children showing up, searching for a child


If you’re interested in exploring your Wild, Shadow through Dreams & Embodiment

Please join me for this very special workshop

FRIDAY April 16


NOLA Cottage Magick

New space, recently opened, in person!

601 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117

COST $35

Space is limited to 12 - Get your seat today!

Additional Workshop Elements & Benefits:

• Understanding the language of your dreams

• Discover the dream symbols that guide you to your authentic self

• Learn to use dreams as a resource through transitions & turning points

• Honor / Integrate the Shadow

What is a Dream Reading?

dreamsAngela Grillo

Similar to a tarot reading, Angela helps you discover the meanings & feelings of your dreams, dream symbols, images and recurring themes. Through Embodiment / Interpretation /Analysis you explore the deeper caverns of your dreams.

Where can I get one?!!!

You can always book with me online for a virtual session, but if you’re in New Orleans this weekend…

Angela will be offering in-person Dream Readings



$30/30 mins



Cottage Magick is a New Orleans based collective founded by Asia Strong. She's gathered a network of brilliant craftspeople, artists, artisans, healers, mediums, and psychics to bring you the best real magick New Orleans has to offer. Together, their talents are vast and include tarot readers, physical and mental mediums, Reiki healers, past life specialists, and those who are inspired to create products that are holistic, earth-friendly, witchy, or inspired.  

​Other metaphysical services are also offered throughout the weekend!

Importance of Group/Collective Dream Work

collective consciousness, Counsel, dreams, Dream Groups, Dream SalonAngela Grillo
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What is A Crow’s Calling?

A Crow’s Calling is the collaborative work under which myself and Susan Ackerman Joseph, aka Sackjo22, call ourselves. We are integrative creative/healing arts practitioners and facilitators. Our sisterhood began through developing/producing theatre & performance. We currently create multi-media productions and experiential workshops together. Some days our teaching looks like a virtual workshop where we guide embodiment practices, dreams, and/or sacred activism. At other times, we are exploring our personal growth & transformation through creative play, storytelling, sharing insights. The crow has been a mystical symbol with us since the beginning, literally and figuratively.

I’m excited to share the recent discussion/interview we had with Katherine Bell on her radio show, The Dream Journal. Katherine Bell is the creator of Experiential Dreamwork. We had the pleasure of first working with Katherine at the 2019 IASD regional dream conference, Festival of Dreams, which she produced in Santa Cruz, CA. Recently, we were asked to co-lead her weekly dream group, discussing/embodying “Dreams & Community”.

The past two months have been so full of profound experiences and collective aha moments through sharing this dream practice with multiple groups of people. If you’re interested in hearing more, I hope you take the time to listen to this interview and feel inspired - creative - hopeful - curious.

You can also find this podcast on APPLE , Google Play, Stitcher & Spotify.

Some of my favorite takeaways from this interview are around the benefits of facilitated group dream work:

  • See the themes of the collective unconscious

  • Build awareness how we as individuals play a role in community & collective healing

  • Ability to support others just by showing up

  • Integrate the group experience/awareness/healing into your individual waking life

  • Ability to see from others/group perspective

  • Opportunity to connect with others, and who are interested in the same things (especially during times of isolation)


If you’re interested in sharing in a dreamy virtual holiday party…Book your

I still have availability! And, I would love to share these gifts with you and your family & friends.

Feeling Through Letting Receive Anew

collective consciousness, Counsel, mediationAngela Grillo

In the spirit of giving, in order to receive something new, expansive & healing for yourself and the collective…

What is one thing (it may be a big thing!) you can let go of in order to receive anew? How do you let go with intention and make a conscious shift to embody a truer version of yourself?

As you’ve probably heard:

Weeds need to be cut in order for flowers to bloom. 

Your old story no longer aligns with your beliefs/truth.

Your gut instincts “it’s time to let go and move in a different direction.”


How do you let go with intention, consciously making an important shift within? 

Sometimes I sit in easy pose, close my eyes and massage my feet. I connect with the visceral energy through what I stand upon, value, honor, and what I am devoted to. I wait to feel/hear the message of my heart-mind.


  1. Begin with gratitude & acceptance of what is, what you have, where you are presently.

  2. Ask yourself, how do I want to feel on a regular basis in my body/mind/spirit?

  3. What no longer aligns with feeling this way? (You probably already know what it is, as it would have shown up in relationship to yourself/others this past year.)

  4. Feel into the subtleties - this may come through a physical sensation and not an emotion. How does this feel different to an old way of thinking or relating to yourself?

  5. Now thank your old joys and haunts for keeping you feeling safe and supported. Thank yourself for the growth & security it offered you.

  6. Let it go with the intention of allowing something new which aligns with your purpose & value - that which will bring you more joy for who you are now becoming.

  7. Feel into this space of expansion on the horizon, one full of gratitude & abundance.

*It’s not about what it looks like - that you will not know.

The most important thing is stepping into how you want to feel. The more you do this, you will embody your truth, authenticity and all of who you are.


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