Angela Grillo Coaching

Sacred Coaching Through Dreams & Creativity

Importance of Group/Collective Dream Work

collective consciousness, Counsel, dreams, Dream Groups, Dream SalonAngela Grillo
A Crow's Calling.jpg

What is A Crow’s Calling?

A Crow’s Calling is the collaborative work under which myself and Susan Ackerman Joseph, aka Sackjo22, call ourselves. We are integrative creative/healing arts practitioners and facilitators. Our sisterhood began through developing/producing theatre & performance. We currently create multi-media productions and experiential workshops together. Some days our teaching looks like a virtual workshop where we guide embodiment practices, dreams, and/or sacred activism. At other times, we are exploring our personal growth & transformation through creative play, storytelling, sharing insights. The crow has been a mystical symbol with us since the beginning, literally and figuratively.

I’m excited to share the recent discussion/interview we had with Katherine Bell on her radio show, The Dream Journal. Katherine Bell is the creator of Experiential Dreamwork. We had the pleasure of first working with Katherine at the 2019 IASD regional dream conference, Festival of Dreams, which she produced in Santa Cruz, CA. Recently, we were asked to co-lead her weekly dream group, discussing/embodying “Dreams & Community”.

The past two months have been so full of profound experiences and collective aha moments through sharing this dream practice with multiple groups of people. If you’re interested in hearing more, I hope you take the time to listen to this interview and feel inspired - creative - hopeful - curious.

You can also find this podcast on APPLE , Google Play, Stitcher & Spotify.

Some of my favorite takeaways from this interview are around the benefits of facilitated group dream work:

  • See the themes of the collective unconscious

  • Build awareness how we as individuals play a role in community & collective healing

  • Ability to support others just by showing up

  • Integrate the group experience/awareness/healing into your individual waking life

  • Ability to see from others/group perspective

  • Opportunity to connect with others, and who are interested in the same things (especially during times of isolation)


If you’re interested in sharing in a dreamy virtual holiday party…Book your

I still have availability! And, I would love to share these gifts with you and your family & friends.